Developing green industry- glass packaging containers( recycling and reusing)

Dec, 21. 2023 | 972 View

First,Advantages of glass packaging containers
Glass packaging container: mainly used for alcohol, beverages, food, condiments, medicine, cosmetics, chemicals and other packaging. It is a traditional industry belonging to the people’s livelihood economy and has always been an indispensable role in the social economy. The development of the glass packaging container industry is directly related to People’s Daily life and is closely related to it. It not only provides high-quality packaging materials for other industries, but also provides residents with safe, green and environmentally friendly household glass products, which has made positive contributions to improving and enhancing people’s living standards and promoting consumption.


Secondly, the glass packaging container has two excellent characteristics of its own material:

1. Environment-friendly
In terms of recycling, the waste broken glass products can be nearly 100% recycled, remelted, and made into new glass containers, which will not cause waste pollution to the environment. It is one of the important raw materials that can be recycled and reused with the least carbon footprint. Can greatly save limited resources and energy.

2, green health type
It has good permeability (the condition of the contents can be observed), excellent chemical stability (no toxicity to the contents and no pollution), excellent plasticity (easy to make different shapes of packaging containers with accurate dimensions), ideal sealing, easy to clean and so on.
In the glass melting process, the introduced waste broken glass can be melted into glass liquid only through physical changes when melting, which is of great significance for energy saving and emission reduction and carbon emission reduction! In line with the industrial policy of circular economy development in each country, it is a veritable green industry.

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