Twist Off Lug Caps Details

Jan, 18. 2023 | 1514 View


Metallic, printed in one or more colours, gloss or matt lacquered



Store in a dry place, temperature range +5°C to +30C, for a maximum of 2 years after production date stacking height: max. 2 pallets



1.Cold filling (max. 55C), without treatment. No downstream thermal processes above 55°℃.

2.Cold and hot filling, pasteurisation: max.95°1h, without counter pressure minimum 5-7% head space.

3.Cold and hot filling, pasteurisation: max. 98°C, 1h, without counter pressure, minimum 5-7% head space, higher thermal, stability.

4.Hot filling, retorting: max. 121°C, 1 h, 2.5 bar counter pressure, minimum vacuum: -0.35 bar maximum difference pressure: 1 bar, minimum 7-9% head space